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A little about Simply Stated...
Simply Stated™ {formerly Kristin Bleyenberg Design} was started in 2008 by a stay-at-home mom looking to create items for her kids. The business started with online sales & has shipped all across the USA and the world.
I love sharing my passion for making great quality products to make your everyday life more beautiful. All of the items in this shop are touched by an actual person that does a happy dance when you make your purchase. I’m pretty sure seeing you all enjoy these products in your home & life is something that will never get old for me! You can share your pictures by using hashtags #kbdgoods or #simplystated … I love meeting my lovely customers!
You can find Simply Stated™ products in gift shops all across the great state of Michigan, as well as shops in Ohio, Iowa, Indiana, & Nebraska. Want to see your state? Let me know! I love to create new designs and custom work is many times the source of new product designs.
Along with retail sales, Simply Stated™ is proud to now offer wholesale options. Please contact me to get more information on how your shop can sell the products you see on this site.
You're the best!
Thank you for supporting local small business!

Meet the designer!
Kristin Bleyenberg, Owner || Simply Stated LLC.
Born and raised in West Michigan - I am thrilled to bring you products to help celebrate our great state, or goods that just bring a smile to your face.
Simply Stated goods are sold at over 100 boutiues and gift shops from the furthest northern point in the Upper Penninsula to Petoskey, South Haven to Bay City!
All items are made locally in Hudsonville Michigan and shipped or hand-delivered to your favorite shops.
Knowing your products are all checked for high quality and superior cuteness factor is very important to me!
Thank you for supporting this family run - woman owned business! Your patronage means more than you can imagine.